Who We Serve

While we work with a variety of people, there are some common themes to our most meaningful client relationships.  The client that Fraga Wealth Management Group best serves ...

  • Is a financial delegator desirous of having a long-term relationship with a team of trusted advisors. (They let us handle all of their “financial stuff.")
  • Enjoys the simplicity, freedom, and peace of mind that comes from having all of his or her financial assets under the watchful eye of a trusted advisor.
  • Values the work we do and is comfortable with our way of doing business and the way we are compensated.
  • Is passionate about goals and realizes that achieving them requires both money and planning.
  • Allows us into his or her life on an intimate level so we can tailor a custom financial and estate plan.
  • Appreciates and is willing to follow our advice and to implement our plan.
  • Trusts our employees and core values of professional knowledge, integrity, personalized service, and teamwork.
  • Focuses on what is important—and wants to hear the truth from us. (No candy-coating.)
  • Realizes that the planning and service we provide is worth every dollar spent.
  • Is a genuinely nice person. (Our clients are some of the nicest people we know!)
  • Understands that the best way for us to build our ideal client community is through his or her willingness to introduce us to other people who share these common characteristics.
  • Has a connection to the Northeast and/or to southwest Florida.
  • Has at least $1 million of investable assets to engage in his or her wealth management plan.

In addition to the above, our clients face many of the same issues and share many of the same concerns:

  • They have essentially accumulated their assets and are in or near the income (or distribution) phase of their financial lives.
  • They are long-term focused and concerned about preserving their wealth and having enough income for their lifetime.
  • They are concerned about their families and, therefore, desire a practical, prudent and efficient estate plan.
  • They are desirous of having their financial and estate plans coordinated and working together.
  • They are successful individuals and couples in (or within five years of) retirement.
  • They are widows or divorcees dealing with financial issues previously dealt with by their spouse or partner.